So what if Bhagalpurites are going gaga over her selection into prestigious reality TV show Indian Idol on Sony TV, So what if they are queuing up at several centres in the Silk City especially set up for her to push her to the top of the show as they simply want to see their city girl as the winner of the show but the 'Lata Mangeshkar of the Silk City" is not ready to oblige them. In a recent interview to, she appears to be thankful to voters from West Bengal forgetting even a single word for Bhagalpurites, who have been doing all possible to ensure her victory. angvani is just posting the write-up published on the with its link leaving readers to conclude themselves.
Torsha seems to have forgotten her Bhagalpuri connection once again as she has introduced herself from Asansol in west Bengal in a recent article posted on just ahead of the mega final show of the Sony TV reality show. In her entire interview, she never took name of Bhagalpur perhaps, this was not an on-air show where she could have dedicated a song to her grand mother.
It's worth mentioning here that several free SMS centres were set up by Bhagalpurites to facilitate the Bhagalpurites to vote for her totally free from these centres and a large que could have always been seen at all these booths with especially youths thronging the centres.
Right from the day of announcement of her selection into the show, Bhagalpurites covered the whole city with posters, pamphlets and banners appealing to vote for her. But their enthusiasm were short-lived as the singer introduced herself from Asansol in West Bengal during the show, which was being eagerly watched by the city residents.
angvani took this matter up and appealed her to not forget her motherland. As of result of that she referred her connection to the Silk City by dedicating a song to her grand mother, who still stays in Bhagalpur.
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